(الأفكار الخلاقة وتأثيرها في القيم الاقتصادية السياحية (دراسة تطبيقية في هيئة السياحة

(الأفكار الخلاقة وتأثيرها في القيم الاقتصادية السياحية (دراسة تطبيقية في هيئة السياحة

نورس كامل وناس

أ.م.د تغريد سعيد حسن

الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية العلوم السياحية


the need to create new ideas in the current era is one of the reasons for the success of tourist economic organizations, and provide services and products of economic value commensurate with the extent of service to satisfy guests and keep up with strong competition in the market, it became necessary for the economic organizations of tourism that are always looking for the forefront and excellence in their products And its services, to create a talented cadre capable of producing creative ideas, and it is certainly a distinct organization that has the ability to innovate, innovation and continuous development and expand its markets locally and internationally through the trend towards the use of people who have the capacity to decipher And the satisfaction of the varied and unlimited desires of the guests, which is the main engine of the mechanism of economic activity tourism, and determines the extent of satisfaction with the available economic resources at the disposal of the individual and organizations that work to achieve, and create economic values ​​of the goods and services provided by the goals, This research aims at clarifying the impact of creative ideas on the economic values ​​of tourism in the tourism sector in the country.